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YouTube Shorts: The Ultimate Hack To Skyrocket Your Channel’s Growth

YT Shorts is an ultimate game changer for your channel's success

How to get views on YouTube Shorts? Since its launch in September 2020, YT shorts have been a rage amongst the creator community. So, to harness this powerful tool correctly and in the right direction, here we discuss tips to make YouTube Shorts viral. These bite-sized videos can help you leverage and accelerate your channel’s growth.

There are different ways to promote video on YouTube. One way is through YT short videos to attract more and more attention. For now, Let’s explore some tips for making YouTube Shorts viral.

How To Get Views On YouTube Shorts? (Essential Hacks)

With the right strategy, the list of YouTube Shorts tips will help you attract more viewers and generate revenue for your channel:

youtube shorts tip to go viral

Grab Attention

The first few seconds are essential to hook the viewers, especially on Shorts. With the decreasing attention span of the audience, the initial 5 seconds are crucial for the video. Therefore, start with a bold statement, an intriguing question to ensure viewers do not scroll away to the next Shorts video.

For example, Zach King, known for his magic vines, uses captivating illusions right at the start to grab attention and make viewers want to watch until the end.

Optimize SEO

SEO applies to blogs and websites as well as YouTube short videos. Optimize the Short video’s title and description with relevant keywords. This will help your audience find the video quickly. Additionally, the hashtags used in the caption help the search engine categorize your content and make it more discoverable.

Follow The Trend

To be relevant in your niche, you must keep up with the latest trends and challenges other YouTubers uploading on their channels. This increases the chances of engagement and the possibility of sharing the video with others to attract more viewers and subscribers.

Explore YT Analytics

Understanding the analytics for YouTube channel growth will increase the scope of improvement in your content. The analytics page is the most significant data source for providing valuable insights. Regularly checking the insights about average view duration, engagement rate, and watch time of different videos will help you fill in the content gap in your strategy.

Experiment With Different Content Styles

YouTube Shorts allows you to test different content styles without committing to a complete video. Whether it’s humor, tutorials, or behind-the-scenes footage, experiment to see what resonates with your audience.

Engage With Audience

Master the art of communication with your audience. Developing a sense of community on social media is the key to your channel’s success. Ensure you interact with your followers by responding to their comments, making them feel valued, and taking suggestions and feedback. This way of engaging with the audience will create a loyal following for your channel. Other ways to communicate with the audience include hosting live sessions, pining their comments, creating polls, etc.

Post Consistently

Maintaining a consistent upload schedule is essential for increasing views on YouTube Shorts videos and growing exponentially on the platform. Posting Shorts regularly keeps your audience engaged and signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your channel is active, which can boost your content’s visibility.

Explore Monetization Strategies

Are you wondering how many views on YouTube Shorts to get paid? Since bite-sized videos now have the potential to generate revenue, you must explore various monetization strategies. Grow your YouTube channel through brand collaborations, channel memberships, and Super Chats.

When you maintain transparency, sponsored content and partnerships with reputed brands will provide value to the audience and build trust.

You can follow these strategies to build a successful plan to get more attention on the Shorts video. At the same time, we recommend you buy YouTube views to enhance the video’s ranking on the SERP by targeting the relevant audience.


If you are still wondering how to get views on YouTube Shorts, our comprehensive, detailed tips will help you grow your YouTube channel by adequately utilizing the Shorts feature. Additionally, to increase video discoverability, buy YouTube subscribers to stay ahead of the competition and attract more audiences through short videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why Am I Not Getting Views On YouTube Shorts?

For your Short video to attract attention, the content must be engaging, trending, and relevant to boost discoverability. Other reasons your video is not getting enough views include inconsistent uploads and poor optimization of titles and hashtags. We suggest using a title generator for YouTube to attract more clicks and garner maximum visibility.

Q2. How To Grow A YouTube Channel Fast?

Leverage YouTube Shorts for quick visibility and engage with your audience through comments and community posts. Collaborating with other creators and promoting your channel across social media can also help accelerate growth. Be consistent with uploads, optimize your videos with relevant titles, descriptions, and keywords, and use eye-catching thumbnails. With the help of an AI YouTube description generator, it will be helpful for you to grow the channel quickly.