You are making videos for your YouTube videos, but for shorts, you usually have to push yourself a little more and think of something unique. But YouTube came up with the ‘create a video highlight’ feature that cuts down your hard work on this and makes your YouTube short creation easier. If you use the feature, you do not need to turn up new ideas every time. You can give yourself a little rest and create shorts from your long videos in a minute. See what more this update has to say.
YouTube Plans to Simplify Creating Shorts from Full Videos
This update is important for every creator! YouTube is now looking for a way to automatically create shorts from longer videos. Yes! YouTube offers a feature called ‘create a video highlight’ under the video editor tool on the YouTube Studio desktop. When you choose the feature to use, the platform cuts out the highlight of your video, which, according to YouTube, is the most engaging clip, and turns it into YouTube shorts in a 16:9 ratio.
So, basically, those shorts can serve as teasers for your long-form videos, which drive the most engagement for your longer videos. In any case, creators happen to create teasers or trailers of videos into shorts and promote them as community posts. But now they won’t need to do that.
Though YouTube automatically converts the clip into shorts, you would need to make some changes to fine-tune it. Creating YouTube shorts gives your YouTube channel a broader reach if you have mastered the algorithm game.
Like clockwork, YouTube says the update is currently in the testing phase and is available to select users who can use the feature for English videos only. So, if you are one of the selected users, you will see the ‘Create a Video Highlight’ option in YouTube Studio to get the ball rolling.
How does ‘create a video highlight’ benefit you on YouTube? It saves you time and effort in creating promotional YouTube shorts that you make for your long-form videos. It stimulates a higher engagement rate to the actual content as it has a broader reach potential. Users who watch shorts will wish to watch the entire video and boost your video’s views.