How To Get Views On YouTube? Everything you need to know (Updated)

Have you just joined the massive YT program and are wondering how to get views on YouTube? Well, gaining those precious subscribers can seem a little troublesome, but hey! We have got you covered! In this blog, we will tell you how to get views on YouTube. For the cherry on the top, there will also be a little surprise for you hidden in between the article that would help you get monetized on YouTube for free! Let’s get started without any further delay!

Steps On How To Get YouTube Views

If you wonder how to get views on YouTube fast, we have small bad news for you. YouTube is no doubt a fast-growing platform. Giving your valuable time and sharing information with others does seem like a noble job at first. But you need to keep in mind that getting free views on YouTube can only be achieved once you have established a good audience base. This is the reason why we will show you how to build your audience reputation and lead your way to get views on YouTube with 0 subscribers! Let’s take a look at them!

SEO Can Simplify Your Work!

The YouTube SEO is something that we will always emphasize the most. What is SEO? Well, it’s nothing but keywords that help your channel get discovered by people. The end result – you get views on YouTube. Knowing the proper placement of the keywords alongside having a distinctive set of creativity can take you a long way! Keywords actually work as a trigger for network algorithms. This practice can actually help you climb up the ranks on YouTube! This can also be useful when you struggle with how to yet views on YouTube with 0 subscribers. You can put these keywords in the below-mentioned places.


  • Description
  • Captions
  • Titles

The magic happens when you put the keywords together in proper places! It helps your content to be easily discoverable. Also, using the specific tags will help your video to be seen in that suggested category!

Helpful Content Can Help You Get Views On YouTube!

We hope that you are aware that content plays an equally important role as SEO. Where will you implement your seo skills when you don’t have content ready! If you are a YouTuber and get stuck with writer’s block occasionally, we feel you. These blocks can take place at any moment, so you may feel exasperated! But that’s totally okay. When you are ready to pull the gears up again, ensure that your content combines entertainment and information!

When you mix entertainment with education, you will actually increase the chances of a big score! These two are the major category on YouTube, and when you provide both to your audience, it will for sure eradicate the question of how to get views on YouTube fast!

Follow The Trends!

The world is made up of air, soil, water, and trends! Now that new and upcoming trends have become a significant part of the entertainment industry, be sure to make them work for you! These trends would actually help you at least get 1000 free YouTube views! Personally, we would love to see a video with a trendy topic!

Thumbnails And Video Editing Are Your Magic Wands.

Have you heard about click-baits? We are sure you must have! There can be instances where you click on a particular video looking at their thumbnail, and then find different content in the video! This can be a Little bit woeful. You might not even click on the channel anymore!

Whenever you make your YouTube video, be sure to make your thumbnail ethical and genuine.  This will help you eradicate the question of how to get views on YouTube!

How To Get Views On YouTube Hack?

If you are not willing to wait that long for organic reach, you can use paid promotion! Or maybe even YT views generators. And talking about this, did you know that we can actually make your YouTube video go viral! You can also buy YouTube views and keep a self-track on everything! And this was your little surprise, we hope you liked it!

How Long Does It Take To Get Views On YouTube?

Usually, it takes up to around 4 months to get an established audience reach. But we have a solution for that too! Read on to know how you can get views from YT shorts!

How To Get Views On YouTube Shorts?

Have you decided on making shorts? Is your YouTube shorts not getting views? You can encounter this problem when you are a newbie in the town. Take a look at the below-listed hacks for YouTube shorts!

  • Use the proper hashtag.
  • YouTube shorts are similar to your original content
  • Be sure of the duration of your YouTube shorts!

While YouTube shorts can be a great way to gain free YTviews, can you buy YouTube shorts views? You can get the views, but we would not recommend doing so! If you wondering how to get more views on YouTube shorts, piggyback the ongoing trends!

How To Get Views On YouTube Gaming Channel?

If gaming is your niche, you can make videos related to gaming! From live streaming to voice-over, gaming has an ocean of immense opportunity! This can also help you with the question of how to get views on your first YouTube video!


We hope that you found the blog on how to get views on YouTube informative! Be sure to check out our blog on how to boost YouTube views with YouTube premier!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Increase My YouTube Views?

Share your videos on social platforms. encourage your viewers to subscribe to your channel too!

Why Do I Have No Views On YouTube?

The reason can be that you have just started on with a new YouTube channel. It may take you some time to gain the trust of your audience, but you will buck up eventually.

How Do YouTube Videos Go Viral?

Make proper use of YouTube SEO long with quality content. Also, make sure to keep the trends close to you

Does Re watching A YouTube Video Count As A View?

No, it won’t count as a view. YT will consider it as a spamming practice.

How Can I Increase YouTube Views For Free?

Make alluring thumbnails, this can help you gain some free yt views.

How Do I Promote My YouTube Channel?

You can take the help of paid promotion to do so! organic and paid promotion works well, but we would again recommend you go with an organic one.

Ishita Singh: