How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast? Best Steps to Follow

Are you pondering on how to rank YouTube videos fast? After pouring so much efforts, it’s natural to! But it is not as easy as it sounds! There are many factors that you have to keep in mind to make your video rank! You can promote video on YouTube for instant results, but building an online community would require you to combine that reach with certain organic ranking strategies too! So in this guide, we will show you the most essential points that would actually help you to rank YouTube videos fast! So without further delay, let’s learn about how to rank YouTube videos fast!

Steps On How To Rank YouTube Videos Instantly!

When you think to rank YouTube videos, you must be aware of YouTube SEO. It’s one of the prominent parts which will help your video climb up the ladder of rankings. Apart from that, there are many hands-on which will determine the faith of your YouTube content! Let’s take a look at them!

Creating Content Similar To The Recommendations

This is one of the easiest ways to actually have a tight hold on the YouTube algorithm. All you have to do is find a creator who has your niche for creating content. You can take note of the keywords that they include in their content, tags, and meta description. There can also be a video of the same length along with similar tags usage! You can end up in the recommended section with this practice. But yes, be sure not to copy them. Use your creativity – Or not, it depends.

Google Trends

If you are running out of the current trends going all over the world or are not interested in making a video about them, we have an alternative for you. Have you heard about Google trends? You can rank YouTube videos with the help of the trends! You just need to set the country that you have placed your target for.  After this step, you will come across many trending keywords that are trending!

Title Your YouTube Videos Appropriately.

When you have finished your masterpiece, the next thing to do is to title the video. Be aware that Google cuts the video title after 70 characters. Keywords play a huge role when you style your title. You can search keywords regarding your video. Keep it in a question format because that is what people would find. You can find these question keywords from your YouTube search box!  Make sure your title is alluring to catch the viewer’s attention in the first read. You can try starting your video title by “did you know” or “how to.” These titles get the most clicks.

Caption File To Rank YouTube Videos Fast

A caption file is something that works in sync with the written text of what you are speaking.

Backlinks On YouTube

Backlinking can be helpful when you are thinking of ranking your YouTube videos. When you share your video on social media, it will help you get trusty backlinks. When you have a backlink, Google assumes your content to be trustworthy, resulting in promoting it.

High Retention Video Can Help You Rank YouTube Videos

A straightforward way to upscale your YouTube content is to keep people watching the videos. Audience retention refers to the amount of time a viewer watches your video.  Let’s understand this in a simple equation.

Good quality video + high retention rate = Top YouTube ranking.

YouTube Comments

One thing is for sure, if you have managed to pull high-quality content, you will get comments. All you need is comments to make your video rank higher. This strategy makes YouTube’s algorithm think your video is based on value and that people enjoy watching it.

How To Rank YouTube Videos Fast ?

YouTube seo tool can be a factor to help you rank your YouTube YouTube. But there is another factor that is not much spoken about! Have you heard about the Click-through rate? CTR is basically the number of people who click on your YouTube video. When more and more people tap on your video, YouTube gets back into form to rank your video higher on the platform!

There can be chances that people are just skipping through your video. We don’t want that, do we? So all you need to do is make your video interactive and alluring. You can put up a creative thumbnail- not a click-bait, though.


We hope that we have given you detailed information on how to rank YouTube videos fast! Be sure to check out our other blogs too!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do You Rank Up Faster On YouTube?

Seo tools can help you rank your YouTube videos!

Q2. Why My YouTube Channel Is Not Growing?

Your YouTube channel may not grow because of the following reasons

  • keyword placement is not proper
  • Your video content does not meet YouTube guidelines

Q3. How Long Should YouTube Videos Be?

Your video can max out at 5 mins and a minimum of one min.

Q4. How to increase views to rank YouTube video?

Let’s go through the strategies again!

  • Analyze videos recommended on your feed.
  • Look at Google Trends.
  • Make your title and thumbnail accurate but clickbaity!
  • Upload captions or subtitles.
  • Build backlinks.
  • Engage within the comments section.
  • Buy YouTube views from trustworthy providers!


Ishita Singh: