How to Live Stream – YouTube & Twitch Live Streaming Guide

Wondering how you can livestream on YouTube? YouTube is the biggest video-sharing platform in the world. People worldwide are using YouTube to stream events, meetings, news, and conferences. YouTube Live has become a revolutionary way for people to share in the experience of such events. During the pandemic, many educational institutions used this platform to educate their students. Influencers on YouTube use it to share real-time experiences with their followers or share their skills.

YouTube live streaming is one of the top video marketing trends. Earlier, only YouTube gamers used it to stream their gameplay, but today, many YouTube creators are using live streaming in creative ways to engage with their audience, and have been well-received.

Before getting into Live Streaming, you need to first understand why it is important to include it in your marketing plan.

Live streaming helps generate revenue and brings more users to your YouTube channel. Streaming live videos increases brand awareness, and the spontaneity of the video keeps the audience at the edge of their seat. Whether it’s gaming, Q&As, or behind-the-scenes sessions, the prompt responses and reactions make you more genuine and relatable to your channel.

How to stream a video on YouTube?

Live streaming on YouTube is a simple process. The setting is disabled by default, but you can enable it with these easy steps:

  1. Verify your YouTube account.
  2. Select your country code and enter your phone number. You will receive a six-digit verification code that will verify your account.
  3. Go to your YouTube homepage and click on the Create+” button > Go live.
  4. It takes 24 hours to enable this feature for the first time.

Now that you are familiar with the YouTube Live feature. You should probably get a better understanding of the livestream metrics that matter.

YouTube Live Stream Metrics

Currently watching: The total number of viewers watching your stream.
Peak views: The highest number of concurrent viewers on your live stream.
Unique visitors: The total number of viewers unique to your stream.
Average watch time: The average number of time spent by viewers on your live stream.
Duration: The length of the live stream.

Let’s look at the different platforms people use for live streaming. Many gamers use the below apps to stream their gaming experience.

  • Twitch PC
  • Discord

How to live stream on Twitch PC?

  1. Install OBS Studio
  2. Open File > Settings > Stream
  3. In the Service section, select Twitch
  4. You can use the Stream Key to connect to your Twitch account.

How to live stream on Discord?

  1. Install the Discord app
  2. Find a voice channel where you are allowed to stream.
  3. Look for the video camera icon if you are using your phone or click on “Video” or “Screen” at the bottom of the window if you are using a PC.
  4. If you click on “Video,” your webcam will turn on, and the streaming will commence.
  5. If you click on “Screen,” you can share any window from your computer.

Focus on crafting compelling content. Live Streaming is live engagement with the real-world audience. It is your chance to get subscribers and likes for free. It will be challenging to grab attention but with some tries, you will learn all the major and minor things about Live Streaming. This How to Live Stream on YouTube and Twitch will help you with starting up. You can read our guide on how much Youtube pays per view on Live Streaming to understand the revenue metrics.

And if you are already Live Streaming and struggling to get attention, then you need help. You need help reaching the right audience by connecting with the people who are really interested in your content. Visit to learn more about how to get genuine views and subscribers. Using the right marketing platform, you can always reach the right audience with minimum effort.
