How To Become A User Generated Content Creator?

A successful user generated content hinges on authenticity and uniqueness to make itself stand out. We are here to give you step-by-step guidance and help you transition from small-time content creation projects, to big-shot brand collaborations.

Let’s uncover the tips that will be essential for this transition!

Tips For Becoming A User Generated Content Creator

What is a UGC creator? Let’s understand in depth. User-generated content can come from two types of creators as follows:

  • If people are organically providing brands with original videos, then that’s a UGC creator. They often start out with free services, but over time can demand money based on the impact of their promotional activities.
  • However, if brands reach out to infuencers for their videos in exchange for payment, then that’s a UGC influencer.
  • If you upload UGC videos on YouTube and are an influencer, then you can also buy YouTube views for one of your campaigns and use that as one of your success metrics to pitch your channel to bigger brands.

Now that you know what UGC is, let’s learn how to become a UGC creator!

1. Observe And Analyze

You need to do a lot of research before you even consider scripting. You would have to assess more than just the company offerings.

Here are things to look at.

  • Research the brands of your interest, their products, and their target audience, and give their users what they want.
  • Figure out how often your desired brands post UGC content.
  • If you successfully secure deals, you can use these video formats for scripting – Tutorial, sponsorship, product review, unboxing ASMR, educational video, and how to use product.
  • Gauge if the brand voice and style of different companies match your persona.
  • Figure out if you can add new USP or unique promotional points while creating UGC content on branded products.

2. Compelling UGC Content Script

Scripting is an art. You don’t just join sentences randomly. A user generated content has multiple parts and segments.

  • Hooking Statement: The hooking line can be a surprising fact, a statement inducing urgency, a line that addresses myths, or a question that invokes curiosity.
  • Tone: To increase sales, you can be persuasive while highlighting benefits or myths. For more sign-ins, you can be joyful with inclusive language. You can also be informative and controversial to generate awareness or garner user engagement.
  • Pain points: Try touching on common user problems, their fear of missing out, or relatable experiences.
  • Solution To Problems: Highlight brand USPs and demonstrate how their features make them convenient.

3. Motivate Users Based On Goals

Different brands can have different goals. Here’s how to make user generated content for brands depending on their targets and goals.

  • Generating Awareness: Highlight the brand’s mission, vision, values, real case studies, and positive customer stories. You can combine these insights with viral songs or trending challenges on YouTube.
  • Driving Sales: Plan the script so you can use the product and demonstrate its results. You can also use discounts to induce a sense of urgency.
  • Increasing Sign-ups: Stress the free offerings people will receive if they sign up, such as free tools, guides, e-books, or templates. The way you place CTAs will also play a crucial role.
  • Encouraging User Interactions: Tell people to share their opinions over comments. Also, tell people that if they like your video, you will show them another video with the same product but a different experiment.

4. Pick The Best Tools For User Generated Content

To know which audio visual equipment best satisfies your channel needs, you must know their features, benefits, and limitations.

Here’s a list of all the essentials you need to figure out.

  • Video Recorder: Based on recording flexibility, video quality, subject focus, and other editing features, you can choose from – High pixel camera, webcam, DSLR, and GoPro.
  • Audio Tools: For creators with specific preferences regarding noise cancellation, movement restriction, and speech issues, your options are – USB mic, Lapel mic, and shotgun mic.
  • Lighting Kit: Creators can choose from softbox, umbrella, and ring light, depending on how they want the lighting to illuminate the subject of focus.
  • Backdrop Setup: Depending on how sturdy, flexible, or portable the creators want their backdrop to be, they can choose from a stand kit, backdrop frame, or modular setup.
  • Video Editing Software: For transition effects, trimming videos, controlling video/audio speed, automated enhancements, and color grading, creators can explore a range of mobile apps and software systems.

5. Reach Out To Brands For User Generated Content

To approach brands, you need to build credibility, have a convincing power, and know the channels through which you can reach out to your favorite brands.

A. Maintain A Portfolio Sheet:

  • Define Performance Metrics you can achieve regarding views, likes, shares, comments, or purchases.
  • Highlight achievements from your past endeavors.

B. Pitch Your Channel:

  • Find, Drop, and Follow-up Emails.
  • Give Shoutouts to your favorite brands on social media.
  • Flaunt your portfolio.
  • Describe your massive YouTube presence.
  • Set benchmarks by asking for performance data of past UGC collaborators.

C. UGC Networking Channels:

  • Attend business events and network to gain more UGC opportunities.
  • Trend platform.
  • UGC Shop.
  • Influee platform.
  • Fiverr platform.

6. Negotiate UGC Content Deals

Here’s how user generated content creators can fix rates and discuss clauses.

A. Finalize Rate: You can fix a rate considering these factors –

  • Follower count, Engagement rate, and Number of conversions.
  • Brand Popularity.
  • Number of Hooks and CTAs throughout the video.
  • Whether whitelisting is involved – Where you promote the end video through your account.

B. Contractual Clauses: A solid UGC contract can protect you from malpractices and ensure you are paid fairly. Here are things to consider –

  • Ask for a sample product to use for review.
  • Enquire about branding guidelines, like logo placements, features, USPs, or things to avoid mentioning.
  • Lay down the specifics for usage rights with how long or where your content can or cannot be used.
  • Mention the renewal fee for negotiating or extending the duration stated explicitly in the usage rights.

C. Exercise Caution:

  • Always watermark your videos, so that your work isn’t stolen and easy to identify if you come across it on other platforms for extended duration.

7. Stay Away From Harmful Endorsements

Promoting problematic brands will land you in major trouble, so be careful!

Here are tips to consider:

  • Carefully read reviews and check if your chosen brand has a history of indulging in fraudulent practices.
  • Before entering into any formal agreement, try their offerings yourself and demand a sample.
  • Verify their certifications, ingredients, or any important detail related to the focus product.

Earning Potential Of UGC Content Creation

There’s no standard amount and the rates vary based on negotiations and performance.

Here are some things to consider while negotiating deals:

  • Your audience size.
  • The historical data and trends of engagement rates on your content.
  • A detailed list highlighting all the big brands you have worked with.
  • Time spent on understanding products and bringing new ideas to the table.

Why Is User Generated Content Valued By Businesses?

Here are 4 reasons why user generated content is extremely valuable for businesses.

  • Social Proof = Increase In Sales.
  • More Authentic Vibes.
  • Increases Brand Recall.
  • Establishes A Supportive Community.

AI For User Generated Content – VeeFly

Here’s how to become a UGC content creator with the help of VeeFly AI suite.

  • VeeFly AI will generate content for you in seconds, in the desired tone and language that complements your brand deal.
  • Additionally, it will also provide you with vocals of different personas to match your personality and overcome any speech related flaws.
  • The script will be so powerful and compelling, that it will resonate with the brand and leave a strong impact on the users.

Aside from content generator, VeeFly also equips users with Title Generator for YouTube and YouTube Description Generator. With these AI-powered offerings, you get to automate tasks and save a huge chunk of your time.

Final Thoughts On User Generated Content

A user generated content creator does not become successful overnight, but with the tips and tricks covered in this guide, you are destined to become a massive hit on YouTube over time. Commit yourself to our 7 steps and see the results unfold in front of your eyes in real-time! Once you make it big, you can also promote video on YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How many followers do you need for UGC?

  • Even people with small accounts who volunteer for free can become UGC creators.
  • If their campaign is successful then they can highlight such campaigns in their portfolio too.
  • However, the larger your follower count, the better your chances of negotiating the price. There is no specified number.

Q2. Is YouTube a UGC Platform?

Traditionally, Instagram has been a preferred platform for UGC videos. But due to massive reach of YouTube, even that platform can be utilized for UGC brand deals.

If your YouTube channel is monetized and you are a UGC influencer, we recommend that you buy YouTube subscribers to attract more users to your channel.

Q3. Can I be an UGC creator without showing my face?


  • To advertise food or recipe cookbooks you can easily hide your face.
  • For makeup and skin care products, you can hide parts of the face that are unrequired for the content.
  • For fitness products and traveling gear, the face is again not needed.

Q4. What is the most successful UGC?

  • “Share a coke” campaign by Coca Cola.
  • “Shot on iPhone” campaign by Apple.