How To Post A YouTube Video On Facebook?

YouTube videos have been entertaining us for over 2 decades now. Many of us share these videos on various social media platforms to show them to our friends. Luckily, it is very convenient to share YT videos on FB directly. It is straightforward to post a video from YouTube on Facebook account from any device you want. Also, it is easier to share your videos from YT on Facebook and promote them easily on the platform and buy YouTube views using social media platforms.

But there are multiple ways to share a video from YT. This article covers all the possible options you need to know to post YouTube videos on Facebook.

How To Share YouTube Video On Facebook? (iOS & Android)

If you want that your Facebook audience can easily access your YouTube content within just a few clicks, then you must follow the steps below.

Method 1

  • Open the YouTube app and go to the video you want to share on FB.
  • Now tap on the share icon below the channel name.
  • In the pop-up menu, select the Facebook news feed icon.
  • Next, you will be directed to the FB app to add captions to the post.
  • Tap on the post button at the top right corner, and that’s it!

Method 2

  • Open the YouTube app and go to the video you want to share on FB.
  • Now tap on the share icon below the channel name.
  • Tap on the copy link and go to the Facebook app.
  • Tap on the what’s on my mind box and paste the link.
  • Add captions and tap on the post button in the top right corner.

Once you have shared the post, your audience can tap on the thumbnail, and they will be directed to the YouTube website. Using the method above, you can also post YouTube videos on the various Facebook groups you have joined.

After tapping on the share icon below the video, you must select the FB groups icon. Then, select the group you want to post the video on.

How To Post A YouTube Video On Facebook Using A Computer?

It is easier to post a YouTube video on Facebook using your desktop. All you have to do is:

  1. Open the YouTube website on your browser and go to the video you want to share on Facebook.
  2. Then, click on the share icon and select Facebook.
  3. A new FB tab will open, and you can add your GIFs or captions to the post.
  4. Tap on Post to Facebook at the bottom of the screen.

Another way to post the YouTube video on Facebook is by copying the link and pasting it on the FB post. Then, your viewers can click on the video thumbnail and be directed to the YouTube website.

How To Post YouTube Videos On Facebook Pages?

Did you know that you can embed videos on Facebook pages? FB now allows you to post and embed a video on your Facebook page that you can share with people who can directly watch it from your page. This is a great way to bring engagement to your page. So, in order to embed videos on your Facebook page, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the YouTube video you want to share on Facebook.
  2. Then click on Share.
  3. Choose Facebook and copy the link.
  4. Go to your Facebook business page.
  5. Now click on Create Post and paste the link in the status update box.
  6. If you want to add a caption, hit Post.

That’s it! This way, you can post YouTube video on Facebook page and embed them on the page so visitors can watch them easily. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I Can’t Post My YouTube Video On Facebook. Why?

If sharing the video through a link, just paste the link on your Facebook, then you will need to download the video before posting.

Q2. How To Autoplay The Video On Facebook Newsfeed?

To autoplay a YouTube video on Facebook, you need first to download the0 video from YouTube using a video downloader. Then, you can create a post on FB as usual and post the video. Once the viewer clicks to play, the video will play automatically in the feed.

Q3. Why Is Facebook Restricting My Video Upload?

If Facebook restricts you from uploading the video, it might be because your video exceeds the time limit or the file size is larger than the requirement.

Q4. Does The Video Quality Affect When Uploaded To Facebook?

If you upload the YouTube video with the link, it will not reduce the quality of the video. But if you are uploading the videos directly from the device, it might affect the quality of the video.


The YouTube video will start auto-playing on the FB feed once the user comes across it. So now you have successfully mastered the skill to post a YouTube video on Facebook.

Although the embedded videos do not automatically play on the FB news feed, you know the suitable workaround. Facebook is a great social media platform for promoting your YouTube channel and reaching a broader audience.

So, you can use the above steps to post a YouTube video on your Facebook page. All you have to do is switch your FB account to your page.

Anasia Dmello: