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What Are YouTube Annotations?

Use YouTube Annotations to get more engagement on your videos!

If you want to encourage your viewers to engage with your content, you must add YouTube annotations to your videos. You can easily get viewers to like, and comment on your videos or increase your subscribers.

Here’s what you need to know about YouTube Annotations and how to get them on your videos.

YouTube Annotations Meaning

YouTube Annotations are additional effects that you could add to your video. This includes text layer, link, or any highlights that you want to add to your video. You can add interactive boxes that are linked to your or any other websites and videos.

However, the platform no longer supports the YouTube annotations feature since January 15, 2019. The reason for discontinuing YT annotations is that there was a 70% decline in the usage of this feature. Also, annotations did not work on mobile devices. Therefore, YT replaced the annotations feature with YT end screens.

You can use the end screens if you want to add a call to action and encourage your viewers to like your video, subscribe to your channel, or lead them to another video or website.

YouTube Video Annotations

How To Get YouTube Video Annotations?

As you know, YT  annotations do not exist anymore, but YT has replaced this feature with end screens. If you want to add end screens to get more views on your videos, here’s how you can add end screens to your videos.


As you know, YouTube annotations are no longer available on the platform and are replaced with the end-screen feature. But if you still want to add annotations to your videos, you can use editing apps like Filmora that will add additional effects to your videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are some examples of YT annotations?

Here are some examples of YT Annotations:

  • Speech bubble.
  • Note.
  • Title.
  • Spotlight.
  • Label.

Q2. Why were YouTube annotations removed?

YT annotations were removed from the platform because they did not work on mobiles, and there was a significant drop in the usage of this feature among YouTubers.

Q3. What is the purpose of the annotation?

Annotations in a video help you to grab the attention of the viewers towards any call to action of your choice that might include clicking on another video or link.

Q4. What tool is used for annotating videos?

Here are some annotation tools that you can use:

  • VoTT
  • CVAT
  • Dataloop
  • Video Ant