What Is YouTube Info Cards?

With Google ads, promoting your videos and directing your target audience to your channel has become super easy. But this is one way to advertise your videos. Can you guess what the other is? YouTube Info Cards. This feature is primarily unseen and is used less by creators to promote their videos, as many don’t know much about it. If you lay in that list of people, here’s the guide to explain YouTube info cards in detail so creators like you can leverage them to grow their channels. 

What Are YouTube Info Cards? 

YouTube info cards are a feature that moves viewers from the current video to other videos from the same YouTube channel, website, or playlist. Different info card types keep the target audience stuck on the channel longer than necessary, increasing the viewership. You can place the cards on the screen while uploading the video. It symbolizes the info card icon as (i) at the top-right corner of the video. Once the viewer clicks on it, they get the list of videos, podcasts, websites, etc, either on the screen or below the description section. 

Different Types of YouTube Indo Card

All YouTube info cards are used differently, depending on what you want your viewers to do. Let’s break each down to benefit your channel. 

1. Channel Cards

The channel cards can be used when you have a second YouTube channel and want to attract auditions. This information card can also be used when collaborating with another YouTuber on a video. 

2. Link Cards

Link cards you can use when you want to direct your audience to your websites, merchandise sites, or any crowdfunding pages. However, you must be a YouTube partner program member to use the link cards feature. 

3. Video Or Playlist Cards

Video or playlist cards are the most popular ones. You might have seen the video list under the (i) icon on the screen. Those piled-up content are video or playlist cards. You can use this video to promote your upcoming videos or the content series. 

How To Add Cards To Your YouTube Videos?

Adding info cards to your YouTube videos is as simple as understanding the concept. Here’s the step-by-step guide:

1. Go to the YouTube Studio application from your channel’s page. 

2. Head to the content section from the left panel. 

3. Click the pencil icon next to the video and choose the cards option. 

4. YouTube offers different card types, such as videos, playlists, and channels.

5. Choose the card types and add your content. If you add videos, know that you can add up to 5 cards in the entire video length. 

6. Then, follow the instructions on the screen to complete the task.

YouTube Info Cards Tips And Best Exercises

Boosting your YouTube views and engagement rate has never been more straightforward with the magic of YouTube cards. Just remember these crucial tips to make the most out of them and connect with your audience on a whole new level! 

1. Stay Relevant

Relevance is the key to keeping the audience engaged. Before you add cards to your videos, make sure you get the videos relevant to the one you are uploading. This will ensure the audience is directed to the cards attached. 

2. Optimize YouTube Info Cards With Teaser Text And Custom Messages

Let us tell you the difference before we explain how to optimize them. Teaser text is the text you see after hovering on the cards on videos. A custom message is what you see after the viewers click on the teaser. 

Teaser text is supposed to entice your viewers to click on the cards. So, use words that describe the benefits of watching the videos. For instance, “10 tips to skyrocket your channel.” The best practice you can adopt for custom messages is adding a CTA that compels viewers to watch the video. For instance, “watch the video here.” 

3. Use cards at high time

By saying use cards at a high time, we meant to add them when it’s the highest time for your viewer to exit your videos. This way, you can move them from one video to another on your channel rather than losing them to your competitors. 


YouTube cards help you increase your channel’s engagement and get the maximum views on your videos. Now that you know what YouTube cards are, add them to your videos strategically to retain the viewers and move them to one of your videos. Cheers! 

Shivani Rai: Besides being an avid reader and having coffee on a rainy day, the only thing I'm passionate about is encouraging creators and businesses to build their brands. Explore practical yet fruitful social media & SEO tips with me to fly high and scale up your channel!