YouTube Tests Hype Feature For Small Creators To Improve Their Video’s Ranking

YouTube tests its new “Hype” feature, designed to be a catalyst for small creators. This feature plans to rank videos from new creators higher for their target audience, helping them reach a broader demographic. This initiative supports creators struggling to expand their reach. Discover more about what Hype has to offer below.

YouTube Introduces Hype Feature For Small Creators To Improve Ranking

The Hype feature on YouTube is currently in the testing phase in selective countries such as Taiwan, Brazil, and Turkey. But even in these countries, only creators with less than 500k subscribers will see the Hype feature under their videos. This allows them to push their video on YouTube search result pages to improve their ranking and get a higher engagement rate. It appears that YouTube wants to support its small creators to create a space for themselves. This is because YouTube titled the announcement as “New way for viewers to support their favorite creators. ”

Since YouTube tests the hype feature only in three countries, not being the citizens of those nations won’t let you access the feature to boost your YouTube videos.


YouTube’s new “Hype” feature aims to help small creators gain visibility and support from the community. Currently available in select countries, it remains uncertain whether this feature will be a paid service like Super Chats. YouTube is actively seeking user feedback during the testing phase before a full rollout.

Shivani Rai: Besides being an avid reader and having coffee on a rainy day, the only thing I'm passionate about is encouraging creators and businesses to build their brands. Explore practical yet fruitful social media & SEO tips with me to fly high and scale up your channel!