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YouTube Restricts Content Recommendation For Betterment Of Teen Users

Why content recommendation is getting restricted? Find now!

Seeing the harmful content openly published on the platform, action was needed. YT’s new update revolves around that. The platform restricts content YouTube recommendations, mainly for teens and young users. Yes! According to studies, YouTube recommendations lead people to see inappropriate content that can mess up youngsters’ minds. Let’s unveil what kind of content YouTube is smushing.

What Kind Of Content Recommendations YouTube Limits For Youths

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YouTube keeps its eyes on video content recommendations for teens to ensure they don’t watch things that can build negative thoughts in them. It was since last year when YouTube put some restrictions on teen users. They have found that most teens consume content that forms defeatist attitudes as they deal with ideal standards.

Some examples of such videos are social aggression videos. Even though these videos are not associated with physical violence, they include verbal aggression, threats, psychological manipulation, and intimidation. YouTube also prohibits videos featuring specific fitness levels or body weights, as this content amplifies social comparisons.

Despite all of these, YouTube still has difficulty enforcing such restrictions, as creators who know about the update are finding ways to dodge it, such as using an unlived word instead of killed.

Restrictions will be implemented worldwide soon with a new crisis support resource panel for teens on YouTube. This will first happen in Europe rather than in other regions.


The new limitation on YouTube restricts content recommendations for teens and youths to prevent them from exposure to harmful content. Such videos can sabotage young minds and disrupt their livelihoods. Earlier, YouTube toughened its policy on firearm videos to protect teens. Now, it is identifying harmful content and taking action to protect it further.

Most creators publish inappropriate content to get maximum clicks on their videos. If you are one of those, let me tell you it is the biggest no-no! Instead, you can create safe content and promote video on YouTube through credible promotion services.  It will help you generate legitimate views and subscribers that will be on your channel for a lifetime.