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YouTube Manually Check Videos To Understand the Ads Suitability

YouTube has started an ‘Ad suitability review’ for your videos. This means that before creators can run the ads on their video, it will be first reviewed by YouTube and given a green, yellow, and red rating. These ratings are going to decide if the videos are suitable for ads. Lately, however, YouTube has been automating the human review for your YouTube video rather than automated ad placement assessment. So, what changed? Let’s understand!

YouTube’s Ad Suitability Review Now Includes Human Review


Yesterday, under the ‘testing improvements to ad suitability reviews,’ YouTube remarked on its intention to improve the accuracy of ‘yellow icon decisions.’ YouTube believes that its system isn’t always right. There are some possibilities of mistakes and errors. So, if you think your video follows the YT advertiser-friendly content guidelines and still gets the yellow icon, you can request a human review. YouTube experts look into your concern and do what is necessary. Remember, deleting and reuploading your YouTube videos won’t help.

The human assessment will give YouTube detailed insights to improve the review system moving forward.

Now, let’s understand the YT monetization icons. So, the green icon means the video is suitable for monetization and is ready to publish. Yellow icon means video can run limited or no ads from advertisers. The red icon means your video has a copyright claim on the video, so it cannot be monetized.

In the case of the red monetization rating, you need to remove the copyright claim, which you can do by filing a dispute. And regarding the yellow rating, you have to request a human review for the same to enable more ads.


Lately, YouTube has made a few changes in the advertisement system, whether changing the YT mid-roll ad slots to reduce interruption or supporting human review to gauge the video’s quality. With the manual review work, YouTube is willing to take action against their mistakes, which is expected to happen through automated technologies. This is currently amongst a few creators. Soon, it will be expanded to every creator.