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How to Remove YouTube Copyright Claims?

Here's everything about counter notification to remove the copyright claims on YouTube.

Did you get a copyright strike on your channel? Are you looking for how to remove YouTube copyright claims? Do not worry. We are here to tell you how to get rid of copyright claims on YT.

  1.  Ensure that your content does not violate the copyright strike.
  2. Then, you can submit a counter-notification to remove the copyright strike, through YouTube Studio.
  3. Once you have done the part, you must be patient for YouTube to reply.

You have 90 days to wait for the copyright strike to end if your content doesn’t meet the requirements to submit the counter-notification. You can also try contacting the claimant directly and request them to remove the copyright claim.

So let’s see how to remove YouTube copyright claims with counter-notification.

How Do I Remove YouTube Copyright Claims?

how to get rid of YouTube copyright claims

There are 3 things you can do to remove YouTube copyright claims on your channel.

1. Let it expire: Copyright strikes are only valid for 90 days. If this is your first offense, you must finish copyright School. A copyright school is where the creators learn about copyright and how YouTube enforces it.

2. Request a retraction: You can request a retraction or removal of the copyright strike from the person who initially claimed your video by contacting them.

3. Submit a counter-notification: If you believe that your video was improperly removed or that it meets the requirements for fair use, you can submit the counter-notification to YouTube.

How To Get Rid Of Copyright Claims On YouTube?

So to get rid of copyright claims, you need to submit a counter-notification, but what is a counter-notification? Counter-notification is a creator’s right to evaluate and eliminate the copyright strike if his/her content is removed from the YT platform by mistake based on fair use.

It is a right given by YouTube and the copyright law. So before you remove the copyright strike, look at the requirements to file a counter-notification.

Let’s See The Requirements For Submitting A Counter-Notification

1. Your contact information: Your legal name, phone number, email address, and physical address.

2. Formatted links to the content:

The valid URL format for videos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxxxxxxxx.

For non-content, including your channel banner, video descriptions, clips, comments, and community posts. For example- www.youtube.com/user/xxxxxxxxx.

Please take note that since Google hosts channel profile pictures, counter notifications for channel profile pictures must be submitted via Google’s webform.

3. Legal statements: Agree to the statements issued by YouTube and include the required legal statement on your behalf.

4. Statement to the claimant: You must write a letter to the claimant explaining why you think the removal of the content in question was a mistake or misidentification in your own words. Instances of copyright exceptions, such as fair use or fair dealing, are included in misidentification.

5. Your signature: The uploader’s or their authorized representative’s physical or digital signature is required for complete and valid counter notifications.

Submit A Counter Notification To Remove Copyright claims

Once you meet the required standards to submit the copyright claims, you can submit the counter-notification by:

Agree to the requirements-

  • Select Actions from the three-dot menu under the ‘Content identified in this video.’
  • Then select ‘Submit’ counter-notification.
  • Read the counter notification requirements.
  • Confirm with a check in the appropriate box.

Type in your contact information-

  • Next, type in your contact information, then click on CONTINUE.
  • Then, enter neither a company name nor a channel name.

Add your justification-

  • Justify your claim that the removal of your content was a mistake.
  • Go over the statements and mark the boxes that apply to you.
  • Add your signature and your full legal name, followed by CONTINUE.
  • Select SUBMIT.

In Addition, you can also send a counter notification by email, fax, or post.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What Happens After I Submit A Counter Notification To Remove YouTube Copyright Claims?

The counter-notification will be sent to the claimant if it satisfies all the requirements. The claimant has 10 US business days after receiving a counter-notification to respond, per copyright regulations, to the counter-notification.

Q2. What Happens If The Claimant Does Not Reply To My Counter-Notification?

YouTube will reinstate your channel if the claimant does not take action in 10 business days.

Q3. How Do I Check The Status Of A Counter- Notification I Submitted?

To check the status of a counter-notification that you submitted:

  • Sign in to YouTube Studio.
  • From the left menu, select ‘Content.’
  • In the ‘Videos’ tab, click the filter bar and then click on ‘Copyright claims.’
  • Find the video you applied counter-notification for.
  • In the Restrictions column, hover over the ‘Copyright claim.’
    Click SEE DETAILS.
  • Look under the ‘Content identified in this video’ section to find the status of the counter-notification.

Q4.YouTube Removed My Account For Copyright Violations. Can I Submit a Counter-notification?

You can submit a counter-notification via email, fax, or phone. However, you cannot submit a counter-notification in YouTube Studio if your account is suspended.

Q5. What Is Courtesy Period?

If you are a member of the YPP program, you will get 7 days’ courtesy. After that, you have seven more days to take action. After that, YouTube will disable your channel after 3 copyright strikes.

Q6. Does Copyright Restrict Views?

Yes. Copyright and content ID claims data tracking that allows the copyright owner to restrict the views and monetize the video. So it’s better to avoid receiving any infringement claims. If you happen to see such days where the views are restricted, you can also buy YouTube views to regain the engagement.


We have covered everything on how to remove YouTube copyright claims. You have your solutions if you ever want to get rid of Copyright claims on YT. Submit a counter-notification if your YouTube content is removed mistakenly due to the copyright strike. Remember, you can get a copyright claim for using someone’s music, content, photos, comments, etc., without giving them the due credit.

Ensure you provide valid links to the content in your application before submitting the Counter-notification.

However, remember, do not get 3 copyright strikes on your channel. So, YouTube will terminate your channel if you get 3 copyright strikes.

If you have just one copyright strike on your channel, and if it is for a genuine reason, your copyright strike will expire if you wait for 90 days.

Most creators copy the content of other top YouTubers to attract more audience to their channel. If you want to be one of those YouTubers, you don’t need to do the same. Instead, you can promote video on YouTube to boost your channel’s visibility and maximize your reach.