Google Analytics to exclude YouTube stats: Read the impact of this major change

Google Analytics has stopped collecting data from YouTube channels from February 1, 2020. YT channels now cannot link their channels to Google Analytics. Since Google didn’t make a roaring announcement regarding this change, it shows that not many creators used GA. Google Analytics was simply an additional option for creators. The majority of the creators use YouTube Analytics from YouTube Studio, which lets creators manage their channel with ease with other features that help their creative flow.

YouTube Analytics is the best source to track the latest updates related to YouTube. Those who entirely relied on Google Analytics will now have to learn their way around this tool. If you are new to YouTube Studio, you can read our detailed guide to learn how to use it to your advantage.

Understanding YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics is a life-saver for creators. This tool helps monitor your performance on YT while providing you with all the information you need regarding your channel and videos.

Steps to access Analytics:

  1. Log in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click on your profile icon in the right corner, and a drop-down menu will appear.
  3. Select “YouTube Studio.”
  4. Click on “Analytics” from the left-hand side menu.

Your Analytics page will give you an overview of your channel, displaying views, watch time and the number of subscribers. You can click on “see more” and get a more precise idea of your channel. You can access all the key metrics that will help you better your channel and understand what your audience likes and what it doesn’t. For a more detailed understanding of YouTube Analytics, you can read our blog “Understanding YouTube Analytics.”

Well, YouTube is all about the number of views you have on your videos, and this change won’t have a significant impact on you unless you are entirely dependent on Google Analytics. If you were, you simply need to switch. A YouTuber should use YT Analytics to understand their channel and audience better. But the struggle to garner more views is real. If you are looking to increase views on your videos, you can always rely on platforms like Veefly to lend their services and help you promote your videos to bring in more traffic and more views from real audiences who enjoy your content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does Google Analytics remove bot traffic?

Once you register for Google Analytics, it excludes traffic from the bots and spiders for your channel. 

Q2. Can Google Analytics be used for YouTube?

Yes, Google Analytics can also be used for YT with websites. You will be required to make a new filtered view in GA that includes only the traffic from your channel.

Q3. Does YouTube count your own views in Analytics?

Google Analytics excludes the bot’s view but counts your views on the channel. But there’s a limit on how many of your views will be counted when you watch your videos. The maximum view count is 3. Analytics will register only 3 views if you have watched the video 10 times.

Q4. What analytics do Youtubers see?

Google Analytics has key metrics like views, watch time, subscribers, and estimated revenue. Based on these, YouTubers estimated their channel’s growth.
