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Understanding YouTube Analytics – A Simple Guide

Can you create software without learning to code? No. In the same way, you cannot promote your YouTube channel without knowing how it really works. Learning about YouTube analytics is pivotal for expanding your channel’s reach. By quantifying your videos’ successes and failures, you can keep your subscribers and viewers engaged.

YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, which is also beneficial for expanding your businesses and brands. It allows marketers to present unique and distinctive content that makes it trouble-free for viewers to consume and share. Also, it can help improve your SEO and overall brand presence.

To Use YouTube Analytics To Your Benefit, You Must Be Familiar With The Following:

• Creating and Branding a YouTube Channel. Getting started is very important. You must start by creating your own YouTube channel for entertainment/business sale purposes.

• Optimizing Your Videos for SEO. Your content must be one of the first to be shown on the internet. To achieve that, you must use proper tags for search engine optimization. This process will improve website traffic quality and quantity to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

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• Creating Videos for YouTube. You must create engaging, quirky, and selling videos for the viewers to keep them hooked. At the same time, these videos must be entertaining and informative. Uploading your content regularly on YouTube and keeping a record of likes, dislikes, shares, and subscriptions are necessary.

• Building a YouTube Marketing Strategy. To publicize your videos, you must develop a unique marketing strategy. Share your videos on social media pages, seek help from your friends and family, and use some of the YouTube Marketing Strategies out there.

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How to use YouTube analytics:

Source: YouTube

Step 1. Log into your YouTube account.

Step 2. Once you have successfully logged in to your account, click the profile icon in the top right, then Creator Studio, next to the cogwheel icon.

Step 3. The Creator Studio dashboard will appear—you should see some basic analytics in the middle of your screens, such as Watch time, YouTube Views, Subscribers, and Estimated revenue, and so on.

Step 4. To the left of this panel, you will come across a menu. Click Analytics to navigate to the main YouTube analytics dashboard.

There are drop-down menus on each analytics page’s Overview header’s right. Here, you can narrow down the period for the data you’re examining.

According to the default settings, it will show the last 28 days. However, you can change them accordingly. You can also filter by continent or country for specific geographical awareness and perception. This will help you know your products’ responses from different world regions.

You can export datasets as Excel or CSV text files using the Export Report button in the top right. This will enable you to crunch numbers for yourself and keep an eye on the upcoming videos’ numbers. YouTube video analytics consists of three main sections: Revenue reports, Watch time reports, and Interaction reports. These reports will help you track your revenue, view the videos, and interact with audiences.

Finally, if you are confused about what an option means on YouTube, you can look out for the small grey question mark icon. It’s well-known that YouTube is becoming more popular than many other platforms, particularly among younger people. However, the desire for content on a predictable schedule has not changed yet. If your audience is counting down the minutes until your next upload, it’s a sure sign that you are successfully making it big on the platform.

To learn how to use Tube Buddy efficiently, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Analytics Should I Track On YouTube?

There are many metrics that you must focus on to grow your channel. These metrics will help you determine which videos are performing better:

  • Watch-time
  • Where the is traffic coming from, and what are the sources
  • Demographics
  • The number of likes and shares your video has gained 
  • Average view duration of the videos
  • Track the subscriber count, especially which videos retain the audience’s attention
  • Video engagement 

Q2. What Is The Most Important Analytic On YouTube?

The YouTube Studio account provides a sea of information to analyze your channel, which can massively help you to grow the channel:

  • Understanding the audience retention metric on each video. This will allow you to analyze how to keep your audience engaged and attract more views to your videos. 
  • Another metric that is very essential in YouTube Analytics is the subscriber count. To grow your online community, you can create and upload videos that the audience likes to keep having new subscribers. 

Q3. What Is Good Average View Duration On YouTube?

The average viewing duration must be more than 50% of the entire video duration. So, a video that has a higher viewing percentage is considered to have good content by YouTube. The YouTube Algorithm will show the videos with higher viewing duration on the SERPs, ultimately increasing the viewership and the subscriber base. 

Q4. How To Increase Views On YouTube?

To improve engagement and viewership on YouTube, try the following measures:

  • Upload engaging content
  • High-quality HD videos with no background noise
  • Relevant keywords in the video description
  • Engaging titles
  • Eye-catching thumbnails
  • Cross-promote videos on other social media platforms
  • Create playlists

You can also explore a common practice to buy YouTube views, which can potentially increase your videos’ engagement rate.