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10 best ideas to write effective YouTube video titles.

List of 10 awesome ideas to write YouTube video titles that capture views and attract potential subscribers.

I know you think, “If only I make the most interesting content, my YouTube videos will be at the top of the search results”. While making good and interesting content is important, it is much more essential to use effective and attention-grabbing YouTube video titles. Ineffective use of keywords can cause even the most compelling content to be stuck far below in the search list. Let’s look at 10 amazing ideas to help you write the most efficient YouTube Video Titles.

What is a Good YouTube Title?

What do you think, what makes a good YouTube title for your video? An ideal YouTube video title is one that sparks curiosity in your viewer’s mind and delivers a subtle promise to solve their problem or provide other forms of value like entertainment or education. Remember, your title should not be overly promising or else it will be flagged as clickbait. For example, if you create content around DIY videos, you can give how-to titles to your YouTube videos. If you create travel Vlogs, you can craft titles that show what the experience would be like. To craft enticing YouTube video titles based on the tone of your audience, you can use an efficient AI YouTube title generator.

10 best creative ideas to write engaging YouTube video titles

YT video titles

Now that you know the definition of a good YouTube video title, let’s walk through the strategies to create one.

Create titles that match your video content

Imagine you clicking on a video titled ‘Mesmerizing places to visit in Rome’ and when you watch the video, you don’t find the content relevant. It is a common mistake among YouTubers to mismatch their title and video content. Craft titles that reflect what the video content is about without over-promise or over-exaggeration. A simple yet descriptive title often works the best to attract views from your target audience.

Know Your Audience

Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and ask questions that they are asking. Frame titles that can answer those questions and evoke curiosity among your viewers. When you know your target audience’s behavior well enough, you can craft video titles that drive a lot more views and engagement. Because it hits their pain points and desires directly.

Invest time in keyword research

Your YouTube video titles must include the keywords that your potential viewers are using while looking for your videos. Even if you craft persuasive video titles, if it does not contain the right keywords, your videos will not reach the desired audience. It helps the YouTube algorithm understand your video better and rank it higher for relevant queries.

Ensure that your title and thumbnail go hand in hand

For users to click on your video you need to match your YouTube video thumbnail and title. These are the first things viewers notice while scrolling through YouTube, and if your title and thumbnails catch their attention they are bound to click on your video. However, if the video title and thumbnail have vagueness, you’ll be rolled into the fake or uninteresting category, and your search list ranking goes to the Earth’s crust. You can always create compelling YouTube Thumbnails on Canva.

Your YouTube Video Title should create Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in the viewer’s mind always helps in getting more views. The more urgent the video title seems the sooner the content consumer would want to watch it. Hence, using titles like, “Save money on taxes right now or end up broke” would trigger viewers to click on the video right away.

Provide a compelling hook

A compelling hook is something that captivates your viewer’s distracted state of mind and grabs their attention to watch the video further. It can be in the form of an intriguing question, an unnoticed fact, a shocking truth, etc. To create titles that show a compelling hook, use verbs that trigger your audience’s emotions. Emotions triggered can drive clicks and watch the entire video.

Use a Noticeable Number in your Title

Numbers make it easy for us to quantify anything and everything. If you use titles like “ Save taxes in 3 or 5 easy steps” with the “5” highlighted in the thumbnail and the title and the competition uses titles like,” Save money on taxes” which video do you think I’ll click on? Well, Duh yours. That’s how using numbers make your videos more noticeable and catchy.

The Use of Power Words

Using powerful words in your YouTube video titles is another great way to grab the viewer’s attention. Power words are words that aren’t really necessary but give the sentence strength and make it more fun to read. Words like “AWESOME”, “AMAZING”, “GROUNDBREAKING”, or “POWERFUL” are be called power words. You can use them in titles like this, “AWESOME ways to save money on taxes”. These help in catching the viewer’s attention and also in Search Engine Optimization(SEO).

Experiment with different title types

If you are creating educational videos, you can create how-to video titles. However, if your video content speaks about some list, you can add listicle titles. Experimenting with different title types helps you gain insights into what your audience most resonates with. You can fine-tune your content strategy to meet the changing preferences of your audience.

Keep Your Titles Short and Crisp

Lastly, I suggest keeping your YouTube Video titles short and crisp. Keep them under 60 characters. Why? Because the YT algorithm shows only the first 60 characters of the video title when your audience searches for your content. In case it is going longer, make sure the keyword and hook are inserted in the first 60 characters only. Shorter titles are easy to read and comprehend, encouraging the viewer to make quick decisions.


These were the best ideas to create YouTube video titles that get maximum views from your potential viewers. Remember, your YouTube video title and thumbnail is the first thing your viewer will see. So, making them top-notch is a must if you want to grow your YouTube channel and consistently attract audience towards your content.