How To Vlog on YouTube Like a Pro

Are you looking to start a YouTube vlog channel? YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform with more than 2 billion users. It is the best platform for YouTube creators to start their vlogging channel, but this easy idea might seem very challenging without the right information.

In this blog, we will discuss how you can vlog like a pro and become famous by using a camera. Here are the top 6 tips to be a conversational vlogger and how you can go from being camera-shy to becoming camera-confident.

What is a vlog?

Vlog, short for video blog, is a type of content that is in a video format. People, websites, and social media handle post videos or vlogs to review, report or share their perspectives.

You might wonder why vloggers aren’t called YouTubers! Vloggers post their video content on different video-sharing platforms, while YouTubers create content strictly for YouTube. Today, many you will come across many vlogging channels on YouTube where creators share videos showcasing their “day in the life” and “travel” videos. These videos are self-created by vloggers; they are either pre-recorded or live-streamed.

Benefits of Vlogging

As a creator, YouTube vlogging gives you a chance to reach an entire community of people who enjoy your content and want to know more about you. Once you reach out to your target audience who listen and watch your vlogs, it will be effortless to turn them into a strong, loyal community of youTube subscribers than watch your video after video.

How to start a YouTube vlog?

Starting a vlog on YouTube is just like starting anything else. You do it in phases and steps, and here is how you get started with your YouTube vlog. Of course, you need to start with setting up YouTube channel.

Once you’ve set up your channel, follow these steps to get started.


Before you start anything, remember to do thorough research on that subject to understand what people are already doing on the platform and how you can set yourself apart from them. What uniqueness are you bringing to the platform that should bring users to your channel? Join vlogging communities to understand how they interact with their audience and their tone of voice and style in their vlogs.

The planning part of vlogging involves:

  • Narrowing down your niche
  • Creating an interactive script
  • Being yourself on the camera


After choosing a vlogging topic and writing a script for yourself, it’s time to take all this to the camera. Being in the spotlight might be difficult for some creators who are camera-shy. Remember to rehearse and record yourself before shooting your final footage. Once you have taken a few takes and you are ready to record your final shot, look for the right equipment needed for the shoot.

For a great shot, you will need:

  • Lighting
  • Video camera
  • Microphone
  • Backup batteries


You might think that your raw footage is now shot and ready for upload. NO! After filming any video, you will need to do some basic editing for a perfect delivery. Editing software helps remove unwanted bits of the footage, crop, trim and add branding elements to make your video more engaging and appealing to your audience.

For the editing part of your video, you will have to rely on video editing software easily available online. You can choose the one that suits your needs the best and turn your videos to grab more user attention.

6 ways to be a conversational vlogger

Here are a few vlogging topics you can explore if you aren’t sure about the type of content you want to upload on your channel. These topics will help you become a more conversational vlogger by giving you a chance to create informal and relaxed content.

According to Creator’s Academy, here are the 6 topics you can use for your YouTube vlogging channel.


Many YouTube vloggers create vlogs showcasing what they do in their personal lives. These videos help the audience know you on a personal level and open you up to your audience.


General topics cover everything generic and nothing related to your personal life. This includes product reviews, tutorials, how-to, etc.


As the name suggests, YouTube creators create video content shared with their audience in a storytelling manner. It can be a funny, sad, or interesting story. It depends on how appealing and intriguing your content is for your channel to be watchable.

Fictional character

YouTube vloggers transform themselves into fictional characters and share that character’s journey through their videos. Many YouTube award-winning projects prove that the audience enjoys such content, even if they are role-playing in front of the lens.


Supplemental videos are a part of your regular content. These videos also help build a strong community of subscribers, with a simple shot appearing before your main video starts or towards the end of it. It could be a simple greeting or a call-to-action to reach out to them personally.

Responding to comments

Responding to comments on YouTube has become a trend many vloggers follow on the platform. Users seem very excited to hear their name called out on their favorite vlogger’s channel. This shows your audience that you are paying attention to their comments, which further builds loyalty and trust.

