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What Is YouTube Content License? Manage Copyright Permission

What license are YouTube videos under? Can I use videos with standard YouTube license?

Have you ever wondered about what YouTube’s content license is? Understanding the workings of YouTube can make your nights worn out, but it is easy to understand. The content license is basically of two kinds, and we will be covering both of them( we believe in equality). So, without wasting any more time, let’s get on board!

Steps On How To Change Your YouTube Content License?

Suppose you made a video, and now you want to play around with the licensing work of the video. How will you do it? To help you out on this, we are here with open and shut steps. Follow our lead!

  1. Open YouTube on your web browser.
  2. Log in to your famous or favorite account
  3. Head over to the creator studio
  4. Select the video manager
  5. Once all of your videos are insight, tap on the video you want to edit
  6. Step on the advanced settings
  7. Catwalk your way to the “license and rights ownership” option.
  8. Change the settings from standard YouTube license to creative commons
  9. Save your changes.

The steps are a piece of cake, right?! If it’s your first time using YouTube, and you are trying to experiment with different areas, shifting your video from standard to Creative license is just what you need! 

What Is The Difference Between A Standard License And YouTube Creative License?

The YouTube content license agreement has two major parts- the standard license and the Creative Commons license.

The standard license is nothing but an allowance that you give to YouTube to take over your content. It’s like a safety guard, and when you have opted for this option, no one can use your content without your permission. Pretty much CS-Go vibes.

YouTube Creative Commons is the second type of video licensing where you can give fellow YouTubers permission to use your video’s content with your due permission. Accessing YouTube content license was never this easy!

How to Find a YouTube Video License Type?  

You are required to take a few steps to understand how to check a YouTube video license.

  1. Go to YouTube.
  2. Play the video of which you want to know the license type.
  3. Scroll down to the description box; under the video, you will find a license section.
  4. The license section will tell whether the video has a ‘Standard YouTube License’ or ‘Creative Commons’ License type.

Creative Commons or Standard YouTube License: Which is Better? 

To understand which license is better for your YouTube video, you need to recall the differences between both licenses. Here’s how you can do that quickly.

Creative common allows you to use the other creator’s work but by giving credit. On the other hand, a standard YouTube license means that only the original creator can reuse the video when they want. So, if you want to share or edit the work of others, choose a Creative Commons license. Want your videos to be reused by only you? Choose Standard YouTube License.

What Is The YouTube Content License Agreement?

The content license of YouTube is basically a contract between the two parties, mainly known as the licensor, who is the content owner, and the licensee, the person who wants to use the content.

It is a rule that has to be followed by hook or crook, and if there is any sense of trickery, the account may be banned for good.

Tip For Content Creators

If you are thinking of a topic for a video, you can easily get free YouTube views and promote your channel side by side.


We hope we have cleared up all your doubts about the YouTube content license. You can also check out our other blogs, such as what does highlighted comments mean on YouTube. We will catch you again soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Do You License Content On YouTube?

You just need to log into your account, click on the creator studio, and click on the edit video underneath the advanced tab. The steps are duly portrayed in the above paragraphs.

Q2. What license are YouTube videos under?

The videos on YouTube come under two categories –

  • Standard YouTube license
  • Creative commons

Q3. Do you need a license to make YouTube videos?

Before starting to make your video, you must make sure that all the content and the ideas are inclusive of the rights owned by you or the respective owner.

Q4. How to avoid copyright on YouTube?

Straightforward answer. Take permission for the video content and use the soundtrack with copyright-free music.

Q5. Do you need permission to cover a song on YouTube?

You can easily make cover videos of the songs by opting for a mechanical license.

Q6. How can I monetize Creative Commons videos on YouTube?

The Creative Commons content can be easily monetized if the license agreement grants you permission to use it commercially.