How does the YouTube Algorithm work in 2024? Get more views Instantly

YouTube algorithm is the first thing you must put your hands on when you decide to make videos on YT. Understanding the workings and basics is necessary to complete your video rank and earn views! Did you know that YT keeps on updating its algorithm every now and then? If you are unaware of this, you don’t have to worry, as we are here for your rescue! So stay with us till the end to know more about the algorithm and how you can use it to get free views!

What Is YouTube Algorithm?


The latest YouTube algorithm in 2024 is how the videos get ranked on the platform. This is necessary to get a hold of as there are many misconceptions regarding the YT trending algorithm. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Content Is Ranked By One Algorithm

The above statement is false in every manner. If you are still under this assumption, let us shed some light. The videos on YouTube are ranked by multiple algorithms for different areas. They can include home pages, suggested ones, etc.

The recommendation system

According to YouTube’s suggested videos algorithm, the recommendation is the one responsible for generating the traffic and not the search bar. So whenever you pick a topic, check your niche’s recommendations as they show videos that viewers need.

What Are Some Facts About YouTube Trending Algorithm?

You can follow the below-listed facts to better understand the new algorithm of YouTube!

  • YouTube has two algorithms. They are namely suggested and home page algorithms.
  • The recommendation system works better as it selects videos that hold value for the users.
  • As a user, if you watch videos about baking, you might find videos mostly related to baking!
  • For the statistics of 2015 date, viewer satisfaction is the topmost preference. The YouTube algorithm 2024 is also included in the same.
  • Surveys are used by YouTube daily. This helps them get a tentative percentage of viewers’ satisfaction.
  • The ranking acquired on YouTube’s home page results from combination and personalization.
  • External factors such as topic valuation and competition can change the recommendation line.

What Is Wrong With YouTube Algorithm?

The social media platform is accused of many reasons, including the YouTube shorts algorithm or the standard promotion. The topmost is that they have ill-treated their users by the ad inventory. This process can also be seen in YT’s suggested video algorithm.

What Are The Goals To Make The YouTube Algorithm Work To Your Advantage?

This section will explain how the YouTube Algorithm works in your favor to improve your channel’s or video’s organic reach.

  • Hook Audiences On Your Channel For A Longer Duration

One of the most essential criteria to improve organic ranking on YouTube is to hook the viewers for a longer time on the channel and compel them to watch the videos. You should plan and work on content strategies that encourage subscribers to watch videos in a series of episodes or to watch playlists.

  • Keywords Are Essential

Enhancing YouTube SEO is necessary so that maximum people watch the videos. The right keywords will attract the ideal audience. So, ensure that you use the right targetted keywords in the title, video descriptions, meta tags, etc, that send a positive signal to YouTube and push the video to the target audience.

Attractive Thumbnails

The video titles and thumbnails must be compelling and engaging but not misleading and clickbait. The thumbnails must be attention-grabbing, which excites viewers to click on and watch the video. Additionally, the content must be exciting and entertaining for the viewers to watch so that they do not abandon the video merely seconds after playing it.

  • Cross Promote

If you are still wondering how YouTube Algorithm works, you must recognize opportunities to build your audience. Engagement is very crucial for success on YouTube. So is the number of views, likes, shares, and subscribers. So, it becomes imperative to build an audience from all social media platforms and cross-promote the content to find relevant viewers and improve the engagement of your YouTube channel.

  • Experiment & Be Consistent

Being relevant and consistent on YouTube is essential for success. To achieve success, experimentation is necessary. With a few trials and errors in content, getting to know your audience will help you understand what type of videos work for your channel. This enables you to evolve and keep going.

Maintaining a regular upload schedule ensures that your potential and regular viewers know when to expect your next video. If you’re consistent, the algorithm will learn to favor your channel and prioritize your most recent videos in the search results.

How Do You Hit An Algorithm On YouTube?

The primary way to leave a mark on the algorithm’s mind is to make videos worth watching. This mostly includes the following:-

  • Constant content
  • The quality of the content should be up to mark
  • YouTube SEO plays a significant role in promoting YouTube videos
  • Thumbnails can work as honey for the bees. They help you generate free YouTube views.
  • Descriptions and meta-descriptions should be the primary focus.
  • Focus on the engagement. No, we are not talking about the ring ceremony. Encourage people to engage in your videos by commenting and sharing them!

Do Comments Affect YouTube Algorithm?

Comments do play a significant part when it comes to the algorithm. So better make up your mind and make engaging content! If you are brave enough, a video on the controversy is also a good idea. Just be respectful in the process of video making.

What Is YouTube Shorts Algorithm?


Are you wondering if YouTube shorts have an algorithm? Well, we have you covered here too! The story starts when you upload your well-curated video on YouTube shorts. This action will slowly notify your followers and give you direct traffic.

The second hope of traffic is generated from the browser options. You can find this on the left-hand side of YouTube’s screen. Shorts self plays a pertinent role to give your video explosive growth!


We hope we have clarified things about the YouTube algorithm. Check out more tips and tricks to amp up your YouTube game! See you around amigos!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Fix My YouTube Algorithm?

You can check the above steps to check your algorithm

How Long Does YouTube Algorithm Take To Kick In?

It depends on the type of SEO you perform!

Is The YT Algorithm Real?

Yes! YouTube is taking care of the ranking factors in huge numbers!

Does The YouTube Algorithm Favor Longer Videos Over Shorter Ones?

First, it is essential to create engaging content for the audiences to enjoy your videos until the end. But, typically, a video between 7-10 minutes is great to grab the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged. The high-retention videos also rank better but must be coupled with good content.

Additionally, a longer or shorter format also depends on your ideal audience. If your audiences enjoy longer vlogs and videos while having lunch and dinner, then longer videos are for you. On the other hand, if they like short-form videos like Shorts, as their attention span is meager, you must create shorter videos.

How Does The Algorithm Handle Copyright And Content Policy Violations?

To understand how the YouTube Algorithm works in case of copyright issues, then you must know that the Algorithm will not be affected by copyright claims. This means it will not affect your entire channel. It will be limited to only a specific video that must have violated the content policy.

What Role Does User Engagement Play In The YouTube Algorithm?

User engagement plays an important role in the YT Algorithm. Videos with higher engagement in terms of likes, shares, and comments are recommended higher on the search results. It is an essential criterion to improve the video’s organic reach.


Ishita Singh: