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How To Create YouTube Shorts From Existing Videos?

Turn your existing popular videos into Shorts

Do you have some popular videos on your YouTube channel and are keen to scale up and continue getting attention on the same video? If yes, you can accelerate the video’s growth and turn it into a YouTube Short video. So, here we are telling you how to create YouTube Shorts from existing video?

How To Make A YouTube Video A Short?

YouTube Shorts has been catching up with TikTok and Instagram Reels to attract and retain the audience’s attention. The attention span of individuals has indeed reduced, so it is excellent for creators to cut existing videos into a YouTube Short.

Let us learn to convert and create YouTube Shorts from existing video on PC and Mobile. Follow these steps to make a new YouTube Shorts in no time:

  • The first step is to log in to your YT account and select a YT video you would like to repurpose from your channel. The key here is to choose a video with a good viewership.

create a youtube short from existing video

  • Once you choose a video, tap on Create and Select Edit in a Short option.

create a youtube shorts video

  • Here, you get a total of 60 seconds to create a YT Shorts. So, drag the sliders and choose which section of the existing video you want to use for your short.

convert a long video into short

  • If the selected section is less than 60 seconds, you can record more footage from the Shorts camera and shoot more content.
  • Next, you can import footage from your phone’s gallery to add more content to the Shorts video.

add more content

  • After adding content to the video, you can add extra features like text, filters, and effects and retouch the video to include more information on the video.

extra features

  • Lastly, in this step, you can change the video title for better visibility and engagement and post the Short Video by tapping the tick mark icon. 

Also, remember, In addition to attracting viewers from YouTube, long-form content can benefit from imported shorts because they contain links to the original video.

Reasons To Repurpose Existing Videos In YouTube Shorts

Long-form videos require time and patience to shoot, edit, and upload. But, since Google launched the new tool for creators to repurpose and use existing videos in short-form content, it has served as an excellent platform for older content. Let us see how repurposing pre-existing content can benefit and open the door to new opportunities.

  1. A short video format helps you attract more viewers and followers.
  2. It is easy to edit and make a short video.
  3. You may utilize this to your advantage by recycling old content and giving it a viral boost with the latest and new content.
  4. Creating a short video will help you improve the channel’s discoverability.
  5. Converting long-form videos into Shorts also allows you to monetize the Shorts video.


This was all about how to create YouTube Shorts from existing video. We have also explained the benefits of converting old popular videos into Short video formats. Use the built-in tool to maximize your channel’s potential for growth, attract new subscribers, and boost its visibility in search results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can I Upload The Same Video On YouTube And Shorts?

Yes, YouTube allows you to post the same video in long-form and short-form formats. But YouTube Shorts length is restricted to 60 seconds, allowing vertical shorter videos. So, cutting and creating a YouTube short from an existing video is recommended.

Q2. Can I Make YouTube Shorts From Existing Videos?

Yes, Google has launched an in-built tool that makes it easier to convert the existing videos on your channel into short videos. It is beneficial as it saves time and energy to create and upload new long-form videos on YouTube. Repurposing a long video is quick and easy and helps the content reach a wider audience.