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How To Promote YouTube Videos For Free

How can I boost YouTube videos for free? YouTube promotion - How to promote YouTube Channel

Are you looking for ways to promote your YouTube videos without spending a penny? YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing platform which makes it very competitive. So getting views and subscribers for your channel is a challenging task for beginners. But it isn’t impossible!

There are a number of ways that can help you boost your YouTube channel and monetize it too. This blog will help you with the best tips for free YouTube promotion and how you can drive more traffic to your channel. So read it till the end to include in your next YouTube marketing strategy.

Tips to promote your YouTube videos for free

High-quality video content

High-quality video content

First things first, you need to come up with unique ideas for your YouTube video content. If you want excellent results, you start with creating high-quality content for your channel. Next, narrow down a niche and think of ways that can set you apart from your competition. There are thousands of creators in the beauty, lifestyle, travel, gaming, and entertainment industry.

Why would YouTube users subscribe to your channel over your competitors? Give them a reason to choose you over them through your videos. If you are confused about choosing a genre for your channel, here are the top 9 video content to boost your views on YouTube. Pick something that comes naturally to you and build your YouTube channel on that foundation.

Compelling titles

Compelling titles

Now that you have your amazing video ready to upload, focus on your video’s title. YouTube SEO plays a vital role in ranking your videos. First, conduct keyword research and look for words and phrases that are relevant to your video. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, YouTube Autosuggest, and Ahrefs.

You can also look at the keywords your competitors are using. Narrow down the list and use it in your title. You will want to keep your video’s title short and crisp while inserting keywords organically. You can refer to our guide to know how to write clickable titles for your YouTube videos.

Keyword-rich descriptions and tags

Keyword-rich descriptions and tags

The same applies to your YouTube video’s descriptions and tags. Your YouTube video description has a 5000-word limit which will help you insert your keywords properly. In addition, you can describe your video in detail and include links to your other social media platforms and website.

These YouTube tags can be used to avoid any kind of keyword stuffing. Start with using your primary keyword as your first YouTube tag. Then, continue with your secondary and complementary keywords. This practice will help you rank your videos on YouTube’s search engine result page.

Audience engagement

Audience engagement

One way to build a loyal YouTube audience base is by engaging with them. Your YouTube community can help you promote your videos for free. They will share and recommend your videos to their friends and hype up your channel.

Users on YouTube will like your uploaded videos and subscribe to your channel. When a user comments on your videos, engage with them by replying. Ignoring your audiences will see a dip in your subscriber count. Instead, make them feel a part of the conversation by talking to them and using their feedback for content ideas.

Attractive thumbnails

Attractive thumbnails

YouTube thumbnails are the first thing a user comes across on the search results page. Usually, YT uses a random snapshot from your video as a thumbnail. To promote your videos and get more views, customize your YouTube thumbnails. Create an attractive thumbnail for your YouTube videos using online tools like Canva. Use bright colors, less text, and add branding elements.

We have reached the end of this blog. Use these tips to promote your videos without paying on YouTube and watch your channel grow. You can also promote your videos on different social media to get more viewers. If these tips aren’t working for you fast enough, you could look to different YouTube promotional services and reach your target audience with a bit of money.