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How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone faster?

Quick and simple way to upload video on YouTube using your ios device.

If you want to know how to upload a video to YouTube from iPhone, iPad, or any other ios device, the good news is you can do it.

YouTube is the largest video streaming platform, and that’s because it has constantly evolved to improve the viewer and creator’s experience on the platform.

YouTubers aren’t confined to the four walls of their homes anymore; they are everywhere, creating and uploading content from their phones. Considering that, YouTube has made uploading videos on the platform very accessible and convenient, irrespective of the device used.

There are numerous issues that people encounter while uploading videos to YouTube, you can check out this blog to help you understand and solve these issues conveniently.

To know how to upload a video to YouTube from iPhone easily, all you need is the YouTube app on your iOS device and a good internet connection.

Let’s run you through the entire process;

how to upload a video to youtube from iphone
Uploading a video to YouTube using your iPhone

How to easily upload a YouTube video from iPhone?

1. Open the YouTube app and sign in if you haven’t already.

2. Tap on the “+” at the bottom of the screen.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Add a Video

3. Select “Upload video” from the list that appears.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Upload a Video

4. Choose the video you wish to upload.


5. Next, you will see the option to trim the video if it’s not already edited. Click on Next to continue.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone

7. Put in the Title and description for your YouTube video. Make sure your title and description are keywords optimized to ensure it ranks on the YouTube search results page.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Create a Title


8. You need to set the visibility of your YouTube video. You can choose from 3 options:

  • Public: If you choose this option, your video will be visible to anyone who searches for it. This is the default setting.
  • Unlisted: If you go with this setting, your video will be visible to only those with your video link. Your video will be uploaded to YouTube, but it won’t be listed, which means it won’t come up when people search for it organically.
  • Private: Only the people you choose to give access to can view your video. Most people use this setting to precheck the video before uploading it for the world to see.
How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Public Option

9. If you wish to schedule your upload later, Click on “Schedule” under the visibility settings. Then, choose the preferred date and time for the upload. If not, you can select the “Publish now” setting on the same page.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Publish as public


10. Tap on “Next.

In the last few years, YouTube has become quite stringent regarding its privacy policies for kids. Hence, the creators must specify if their content is safe for kids.

Select “Yes, it’s safe for kids.” However, if you wish to restrict your YouTube video to viewers above 18, you need to choose the “No, it’s not made for kids option.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
YouTube for Kids

11. If you want to add the new YouTube video to one of your playlists, you can do it from here. Tap on “Add to playlist” and select the playlist you wish to add the YouTube video to.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
Add to playlists

11. Tap on “Upload” to publish your YT video.

How to Upload a video to YouTube from iPhone
YouTube Upload option

You can also upload a video to YouTube from iPhone safari; the process is similar to how you generally upload videos from your web browser. However, the above procedure is simple enough and faster too.

How do you upload videos from your camera roll to YouTube?

You can also upload videos to YouTube from your iPhone’s Photos app. Here’s how:
  1. Open the Photos app
  2. Find and select the video you want to upload
  3. Tap the share icon.
  4. Then Tap on the YouTube icon.
  5. Add a keyword-optimized title and description for your video.
  6. Select the upload button.

You can access your uploaded video directly from the YouTube library. Uploading a catchy and creative thumbnail is the next step to ensure people click on your video and watch it. So don’t be lazy; take those extra 15 minutes to create a thumbnail that gets your video clicked.

Read our detailed guide on how to create the best yt thumbnail to help you get started.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I upload long videos on YouTube?

If your YT account is not verified, you will have many limitations. One of these limitations is that you cannot upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes.

To verify your YouTube account, you will need a phone number for SMS or phone call verification. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit youtube.com/verify
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions.

What is the best video format for YouTube upload?

MP4 is the best video format for YouTube upload.

Does YouTube compress my video?

Yes, YouTube and every other video streaming platform transcode and compress your uploaded video. It’s unavoidable, and it does result in quality loss in the final uploaded video. However, you need to make sure your video runs smoothly and the quality loss isn’t severe enough to hinder the viewer experience.

To ensure your video quality, try to upload a high-quality video so that even if the video is compressed, the video quality isn’t highly affected.

Why will YouTube not upload my video?

A slow or unstable internet connection can be the reason behind your YouTube video failing to upload. Check your internet connection.

You now know how to upload a video to YouTube from iPhone.

If you want to increase your YouTube views then adding subtitles to your YouTube video while uploading it can help boost views.

Don’t know how to add subtitles to YouTube videos? Click here.